Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pin it and Try It

As part of my new Healthy Life journey I decided that every week I would try or begin a new challenge from the thousands that I see on Pinterest every day for my first one that I have actually began is the 30 day Squat Challenge

                                                                                            Source: viayamileth on Pinterest

I'm currently on day 14th almost half way through this challenge last night I had to do 135 squats and it was hard I was about to quit at 80 for some reason my legs were just giving up I couldn't handle it but my supportive husband kept telling me that I could do it and I finished.  At the beginning of this challenge I was using a broom behind my head to help me keep my back straight but I noticed that it was actually making it harder for me and I had to take breaks more often.  Then I decided to try to place my hands right in front of me straight out and that seems to help me get through them faster.  I've also noticed that if I space them out it sets of 25 and take a 2 minute break in between sets it helps me finish them.  As I'm doing my squats I feel the outside and the back of my legs burn specially as I pass the 50th or 60th squat it burns but its a good burn that reasures me that I'm doing them correctly.  I'll continue my challenge and I will let you know how I finished and what I think of this challenge. 

Thank you for stopping by this quiet afternoon, 

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