Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Healthy Life Tuesday

Lets begin by saying that the last couple of months my life has been a little depressing, I had so many ups and downs that I couldn't understand why I was feeling like this you see I've never really suffered depression or anything similar.  One day as I was sitting down with my husband and sister-in-law we begin talking about weight and how it affects us in everyday life that's when in hit me I'm feeling this way because of my weight,  I asked her if she had a scale and she did she brought it out and I weight my self and I could not believe the number that I was seeing I was 177.5lbs can you believe it I told myself how much you have let your self go 177.5lbs kept ringing in my head. For the next couple of days I told myself I was going to start eating healthy and blah blah blah,  but once the weekends came all I did was eat out and very unhealthy.  I noticed that as I started getting ready I would be all excited about my the way I looked in the mirror but as I was ready to dress my self and saw that 90% of my clothing didn't fit I would cry inside, to prevent my daughter and husband see me like that.  One Sunday I decided that it was enough that I could not continue like this that it was not good for me or my family, and also for health issues I just needed to stop and take control.  That day we went to have an early dinner at my favorite pizza restaurant where the food is amazing,  after we left I asked my husband to take me to get weight because the following Monday was the beginning of a new me with a more healthier state of mind.  We arrived were I was going to weight my self and I got on the scale and I was 182.5lbs more than 3 weeks ago at my sister in laws house I couldn't believe it.  That night we decided to go for a walk and Monday it all began no more eating unhealthy and more exercise and making the right choices when I do eat out.


Here I am on Monday  March-20-2013 at 5'6 tall with a weight of 182.5 Size Large in tops and Size 11 in jeans.  My ultimate goal is to loose about 35-40lbs slowly and keeping in mind that this will not happen over night.  I will dedicate 2 day a weeks updating my blog on my progress and what I have been doing to help me in this journey that has just began. On Tuesday I will update how I'm doing and how I have been feeling and every other week I will post my current weight.  Then on Thursdays I will take take somethings from my Pinterest Board  HEALTHY LIVING and try them out and give you a review and see if they work. 

My plans are to stay healthy and keep a work to having a positive state of mind 100% of the time

Thank You for stopping by this quiet afternoon, 

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